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Best practices when using CYPE programs

These general recommendations serve as a catalogue of best practices that you can follow during the management and use of software tools such as CYPE’s programs to optimise your time and secure your work:

  • Make backup copies of files on a regular basis. For greater security, keep copies on different physical media. The time between backups should be as long as you deem necessary so that the possible loss of data does not jeopardise your work process.
  • Adapt the complexity of the model to the required accuracy and the possibilities of the tool. Otherwise, you may incur unnecessary and costly work that may even be counterproductive to the processes followed by the software tool.
  • When learning how to use the tool, start by working with simple models to get to know the tool’s limits and features. Once you are familiar with them, you can scale up to more complex models. Complex models may lead to uncontrolled situations that require more experience to resolve.
  • Keep the program installed in the version in which the model was created should you foresee the need to consult or modify the file at some point in the future with the exact same conditions under which it was created in the first place.
  • Adapt working times by considering the time needed for correcting IT issues and making the necessary adjustments to the model.