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Coordinates above 1000.000 m are not permitted

The following warning may appear when entering elements in the program:

Coordinates above 1000.000 m are not permitted

The working space permitted by the program is a 2000-metre square centred on the origin of coordinates. Therefore, the maximum allowed coordinate in absolute value is 1000 metres.

If DXF or DWG templates have been imported from other drawing tools, the drawings may be placed outside this workspace. The program allows templates to be imported regardless of the position of the drawings, displaying the warning when the model elements are entered.

This can be solved by moving the elements of the template so that they are located near the origin of the coordinates and within the indicated workspace, moving them into the original drawing program and re-importing the file into CYPE. The “Change the origin of the coordinates of a template” tool, available in the “Manage template views” menu, can also be used. Click on a point on the floor plan of the building to centre the workspace.