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How to introduce suspended ceilings in CYPE Architecture

To introduce suspended ceilings in CYPE Architecture, the following process may be followed:

1. First, users must position themselves in the 3D view of the model and rotate or section the model to find a suitable viewing angle. Then, the necessary object snaps must be activated. In this case, the “Intersection” reference type is used.

2. Under the “Horizontal elements” menu, the “Suspended ceiling” option must be selected and its features must be defined.

3. Using the “2D Mode“, the reference level is indicated in the drop-down menu and a “Height above ground” is entered. This height is the distance of the suspended ceiling from the chosen reference level.

4. Approach the vertices or corners of the space where the suspended ceiling is to be inserted, placing the mouse pointer on the trihedron of intersection between the base of the two walls and the floor slab. Left-click on each vertex. The suspended ceiling will be positioned at the indicated height according to the selected points.

5. Orbit the model (by holding down the SHIFT key and clicking and dragging with the middle mouse button) and select the remaining vertices with the left mouse button. When finished, right-click to confirm.

6. Finally, the position of the initial element must be indicated so that the program can automatically carry out the construction design. To do this, select one of the corners of the suspended ceiling.

The process can be seen in the following video: