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How to export information from CYPE software to other programs

Any CYPE program linked to, such as CYPE Architecture, Open BIM Site, IFC Builder, or CYPECAD, can export information using the “Share” button at the top right (formerly “Export”).

This operation generates files on the local disk that can be used by any program that can open them, as well as uploading the model information to the project.

Files containing relevant information include those with .ifc (BIM standard) and .gltf (3D visualisation standard) extensions. Many BIM or general 3D modelling programs can import files with these extensions.

The number of files generated and the information they contain is highly variable depending on the CYPE program used. The mentioned files can be found in this path after the export:

C:\bim_projects\user_usernumber\proy_project number_projectreference\programfile (as of version 2024.a, in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\CYPE Ingenieros\\bim_projects\user_usernumber\proy_projectnumber_projectreferenceo\programfile)