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The maximum number of incorrect access attempts to the temporary license has been reached. For safety reasons, the license has been temporarily deactivated. Please try again in a few minutes

If the password for your electronic licence is entered incorrectly three times (resulting in the following warning “The user does not exist or the password is incorrect” being displayed in the process), this will result in your access being blocked for 30 minutes. Another attempt will result in the following warning:

The maximum number of incorrect access attempts to the temporary license has been reached. For safety reasons, the license has been temporarily deactivated. Please try again in a few minutes.

If you have forgotten your password, in the “Use Electronic License” window, enter your user email address and use the “Send password to my email” option:

Check the generated auto-reply email to confirm your license password. If you cannot find it, please remember to check your spam folder. Finally, try to access your license again with this password and your user email 30 minutes after the last failed attempt.