Introducción a la metodología Open BIM en la Universidad Nacional de Manizales
Introducción a la metodología Open BIM en la Universidad Nacional de Manizales Leggi tutto »
Le invitamos al webinar de la nueva funcionalidad de Open BIM ISOVER, orientada a la sostenibilidad, la generación de un documento donde se cuantifican los principales impactos ambientales de la instalación de conductos a partir de la red modelada, el próximo miércoles 20 de septiembre a las 11:00h. Open BIM ISOVER es un software gratuito
Obtención del documento de sostenibilidad con Open BIM ISOVER Leggi tutto »
Seen as an industry reference for the design and installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems, NFPA®13 addresses sprinkler system design approaches, system installation and component options to prevent fire deaths and property loss. With CYPE tools, through CYPEFIRE Hydraulic Systems, engineers specialized in fire protection projects can design sprinkler systems using the BIM methodology in
Wooden structural systems are becoming increasingly popular all over the world. The combination of new technologies to produce the material and the emergence of new assembly techniques make this material an increasingly versatile solution. In this seminar "BIM for the Design and detailing of timber structures with CYPE" we will present different tools where timber
Design and detailing of timber structures with CYPE (morning session) Leggi tutto »
Our range of software for the analysis and detailing of steel structures continues to be developed. In addition to the constant evolution of CYPECAD and CYPE 3D, CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel have also recently been updated and we will be holding a webinar to present them. Below you will find the main new features
Latest new features added to CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel (2024.b) Leggi tutto »
Nuestra gama de programas para el análisis y el detallado de estructuras de acero sigue desarrollándose. Además de la constante evolución de CYPECAD y CYPE 3D, los programas CYPE Connect y StruBIM Steel también han recibido recientemente algunas novedades y queremos presentártelas en un webinar. A continuación encontrará las principales novedades que trataremos: Asimismo, te
Últimas novedades incorporadas en CYPE Connect y StruBIM Steel (2024.b) Leggi tutto »