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The key is not correct. Please ensure you have entered the key you have received

The following error message may appear after entering your Campus Version key during the installation process of the CYPE programs:

The key is not correct. Please ensure you have entered the key you have received.

The problem may occur if a previous Campus version has been previously installed on the computer, for example, if the user chains the use of several Campus versions, one for each course. To solve the problem, the key information corresponding to these previous installations must be deleted. To do this, you must:

1. Completely close the CYPE programs.

2. Delete the “cypenet” folder located in the following path:

C:\Users\Windows_user\AppData\Roaming\CYPE Ingenieros\v20XX

The AppData folder is hidden folder in Windows, so if you cannot find it, show the hidden files using the options of your operating system.

The “cypenet” folder must be deleted from the paths corresponding to the different versions found. For example, if the following folders are found in the device, the “cypenet” folder must be deleted from each of these three directories, as they correspond to previous installations of the Campus 2023, 2022 and 2021 versions:

C:\Users\Windows_user\AppData\Roaming\CYPE Ingenieros\v2023
C:\Users\Windows_user\AppData\Roaming\CYPE Ingenieros\v2022
C:\Users\Windows_user\AppData\Roaming\CYPE Ingenieros\v2021

3. Restart the program and re-enter the password. To be able to use the Campus Version, a recent version of the CYPE programs, close to the current version, must be installed. For example, as of the time of writing this document, the current version is 2023.g, and the Campus Version works with versions 2022 and later. Therefore:

  • If you have already installed a recent Campus Version of the program, start the program. When doing so, it will ask for the Campus Version password again. Enter the password, making sure not to leave any blank spaces.
  • If you have not installed a recent Campus version of the program, you must consult and download the latest version available. During the installation, you will be asked for the type of version you wish to install, in this case, the “Campus Version”. At this point, the password must be entered.